Command & Conquer Level: Created on: July 17, 1996 Level Name: ISLAND FIGHTERS Created By: Jeff "Midget" Fehric (California Ultratech) Map Info: 61x61, Temperate theatre, custom map. Player: GDI Difficulty: You Tell Me! Filename: File Contents: tripple.ini,, mission.ini, tripple.txt, savegame.333 Tested on C&C v1.18 (English) ALLO to GDI MASTER: Thanks for the chat big guy, and for all the kind words! Level Replacement: ----------------- This can replace any level you wish. HOWEVER, IT WAS INTENDED TO REPLACE LEVEL 10 (for those of you who like to use MIXMAN). Mission Description: ------------------- If you thought taking control of two GDI bases was hectic, this will be mayhem! You have proven yourself ready from the previous mission, now assume command of the three GDI bases and attack the three NOD bases in the area. You may wish to use the TRANSPORT to send reinforcements to your other bases. Best Of Luck! Usage: ------ As usual with my levels I have included the .ini & .map files for the level. If you wish to use the .ini & .map files you need to replace them for level 10. Or, if you prefer to skip the hassle (which I persoanlly prefer), just load up the savegame file. **** Using the SAVEGAME file will ensure that you will be playing the level how it was intended to be played **** Remember to put the mission.ini file in your C&C root directory, or you won't have any text if you use the RESTATE option during the game. Comments, as always, are appreciated! Thanks for trying my level -Midget (a.k.a. Jeff Fehric) -102502, -California Ultratech